A ‘How To’ Guide for FB Parties!

4 thoughts on “A ‘How To’ Guide for FB Parties!

    1. Just think of it as a way to meet a wide variety of authors — some you know and some who may be new to you — and also get to meet other readers with similar interests to you — in a structured, fast paced chat where prizes are given every few minutes in a party-like environment online. any clearer? Thanks for the question.

  1. Thanks Sarah, it’s interesting to hear about it from the author’s side. I have only been involved with one Facebook party and it was a whirlwind! I didn’t win anything but found a few new authors and had a great personal conversation with one that ended with her sending me her book to review. Definitely worth the few hours I took! When is your next FB party? I’d love to get involved. Thanks!

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