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What I Really Want for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day seems to get bigger and bigger every year. It’s a day that never seems to turn out well. When I was single, I dreamt about it and cried that I had no one to share it with. Now that I’m married, I have different priorities and it seems my husband can’t get it right.


The truth is, it’s entirely my fault. I’m a mass of contradictions. I want to be frugal and practical and all the things a good wife should be. I want to be a grown up. But inside is a rampaging teenager, shot through with insecurity, who wants the fairytale every candy and jewelry commercial has seeded into my brain.

How can the poor guy win?

It’s a thin tightrope he must walk to please both sides of me. But here is a list of what I do and don’t want for VDay.

For details about the free screening of Love Between the Covers and my participation on the author’s panel afterward, please see the details at the bottom. 

Roses — absolutely not. At this time of year those lovely blooms are four and five times the price. Yes, I love roses, but no, do not buy them. Please wait for next month, go to Costco, and pick up a bunch for $19. that way I can enjoy them and not feel guilty that you’ve spent a hundred bucks!

Flowers — yes, yes, yes — find something small, pretty and off the major rip off list. Here it IS the thought that counts and not wanting roses doesn’t mean I don’t like the flowers that are more reasonably priced on this day.

Gas Station Roses — no, no, no — they die almost immediately. The same goes for Grocery Store Roses. They may be convenient and thrifty, but it’s a definite no go.

Expensive Dinners — not tonight — the restaurants will be crowded and the waitstaff frantic. I don’t need to be in the chaos.

You making dinner? A big fat YES, YES, YES.  You don’t even have to make it. Chinese food on our kitchen table with a candle is fine. Just don’t serve it to me in the plastic takeout containers, please? Find two dishes, two placemats, put your lovely non-roses flowers in the center, turn on the stereo, and I’ll be in heaven.

You cleaning up after dinner? OMG YES! Being stuck with dishes is the primary reason most of us gals want to go out. Leave my kitchen sparkling and I’ll be yours forever.

photo courtesy of Sharon Wray

Gifts of jewelry or perfume? Not for me. The card you write is more than enough — and I’ve enough perfume from every other birthday and Christmas that I can open up a store of my own.  LOL.

Chocolate? Please, please no. I am so overweight. If I cheat, let it be for something I want so badly I have to go out and get it. That box of bon bons you buy me is not a good thing.

A gift of dance lessons? or a class at the college? or a weekend away? Do you want me to swoon? Wow, now that’s a gift I’d love. It shows that you’ve been listening and can plan something you know I will love.


Curling up with me and watching a date movie, here at home, in our own bed or living room? What could be better?

But most of all, my darling husband, I want your time, your attention, and you looking at me as if you were dying of thirst and I your only source of water. I want you to dance with me in our kitchen, I want you to whisper sweet words in my ear, I want you to make me giggle and blush.

Because for Valentine’s Day, what I really, really, really want is YOU.

In celebration of Valentine’s Day, the Ashburn Library in Virginia is putting on a free showing of the movie, Love Between the Covers, and they’ve asked me (yes, me!!!) to participate in an author’s panel discussing romance in books, afterward.

I hope those of you in the area will join me and not laugh too hard if I stutter and look foolish. Here is the information:

2 PM Saturday, February 13th at the Ashburn Library, 43316 Hay Road, Ashburn, VA 20147. Hope to see you there!


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