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Who is Diana Belchase?

Washington DC Headshot PhotographerHere’s a snippet from an interview at Waterworld Mermaids. Thanks for asking such interesting questions gals!

Which genres do you write in?  Suspense mostly, but also women’s fiction, some historical, nonfiction, and kids — in other words whatever I am drawn to.

If you could write like one author, who would it be? Oh, I don’t know, I want to write like me and have people like me for it.  😉

If you could be one superhero, or have one superpower, who/what would it be?  Well as another Diana, I’d have to say Wonder Woman (she was Diana Prince and looked great in a bathing suit — that should be a super power in and of itself!).  As a super power, the ability to please editors at a single rewrite?  LOL.

Where can we reach you?

Facebook:  (Please friend me!)

Twitter @dianabelchase

What are you working on now? My spy series and a women’s fiction historical suspense series called Midnight.

Birthday: July (no I won’t be more specific — unless you torture me by force feeding me birthday cake and singing Happy Birthday at me off key.  Oh the horror!  The horror!)  Actually I LOVE birthdays, but I’m still not telling!

If you could be on any reality tv show, what would it be?  Probably MasterChef. I love to cook! Whatever you do, keep me away from Dance Moms.  Are those women nuts or what?

What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever done? Won the Golden Heart.  Danced in the moonlight on the rooftop of Chapultepec Castle in Mexico.  <sigh>  Marry my husband.

What’s the coolest thing you’re about to do? Wake up tomorrow, look out my window, and be happy.

Awards and Accolades: I won the Golden Heart (O.M.G can you believe I actually WON?!!!), and was a finalist again in 2012 (be still my beating heart!).  I also was a triple nominee for the Daphne du Maurier award for three separate books in the same year (The odds of that happening are less than winning the lottery)! I also won the Jack Reid Award from the SCBWI (that’s for YA), the Silver Quill, the Wisconsin Fab Five, and the Cleveland Rocks Northeastern Ohio Writers Contest. I know I’m leaving a few out.

Music or Silence (while you write)?  A little of both, and sometimes loud TV.  What can I say, I’m Italian.

What weird food do you like?  Must I confess?  Liver.  Stop gagging, if you make it my way it’s fantastic.

Name three things on your List of Things to Do Before You Die.  Okay, of course,  publish this next book, organize my house (I’d better live a very long time to accomplish that one), and finish doing my taxes — well maybe I’ll get lucky and that last one won’t get done.  <G>

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